When I'm taking these stupid-long breaks in blogging, I'm still collecting links and articles and whatnot that I want to share - some college-y, some DEFINITELY not. Since a lot of former-F15 readers hang out here (Lemme hear you sccrrreeeeaaaaaam), I'm gonna be servin' you up two things:
- One thang that tickles your college fancy
- & One thang that, y'know. Just tickles.
------------------ IS 'CHU READY? ------------------
Article I: Colleges Tell You What They Want, What They Really Really Want
So, I'm obsessed with this Gen-Y blog, Y-Pulse, right? (Heads up - it's where I get alotta college-sensitive shtuff)
Not too long ago, my homegirl Casey wrote an article I wish I read before applying to college. surveyed 25 of the Top 50 Colleges in the US about applicants doing community service.
- Didju know that colleges would rather have you do a lil' somethin for years than a big somethin' for a month?
- Didju know that comm-service is 4th in the list of factors that'll put you at the top of the pack?
- Didju know that throwin' in words like "passionate", "commitment" and "dedication" perks the ears of he-who-holds-the-ACCEPTED-stamp?
Oh, you didn't.
(P.S: Scroll a bit - see somebody you recognize? ;])
Article II: Hi, I'm Berna. Now Put Your Tongue Down My Throat

But, says the NY Times, those who are partakin' are probably younger than you.
I mean, dzang - I thought "Git Low" started a freakin'-grindin'-body-rollin' revolution here in the states.
Nothing compared to what these barely-adolescents are gettin' down with during their late-afternoon rave fests, where minors get together and "Poncea" - make out with as many hormonal mofos as they can.
Break out 'cho Binaca.
Read the article, shift uncomfortably in your seat, and then tell me:
How do you feel about sex basically becoming as common as getting braces amongst adolescents?
Do you think it's good or bad social progress?
Is there real liberation in becoming sexually free, or is there just herpes?
Whisper it in my intrawebz ear. ;]
2 Responses to "Community service vs. Community sex" (Leave A Comment)
October 4, 2008 at 1:47 AM
Hey!! Berna! Can I say how much I love your blog!! I have bookmarked it, so I hope you update at least weekly, but obviously if you can't then you can't right!!! It is kind of like wandering through someone's thoughts and ideas. But not in a creepy way. I hope you are doing well, and USC is treating you wonderfully. I hope football is getting better..I am not much of a fan...seeing as my school doesn't even have a football team. I better go, before I write you a blog about your awesome blog!! Best Wishes!!
October 4, 2008 at 1:50 AM
it is sad. there is no such thing as morals anymore. who waits for marriage? who respects there body enough to wear decent clothing, I am talking to the many ladies, who have their boobs all up in my face and their jeans stop long before their crack does.
why? I dont get it. maybe i am old fashioned and a prude.
i dont know..and i sure as hell dont understand!
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