So I'm scrolling through your awesome comments from NokiaLolita (ThankyouTHANKYOU!), and I notice something. I ponder it.
Has my scrollbar always been such an ugly shade of blue?
No, seriously - I notice that something irks Janet (Hay, gurl) the same way it has always been irking somanyofus:
That's the face I make when I think about it, too.
Also, she sampled her fruit-flavored petroleum.
We all know of your drunken lesbian escapade, Perry, but do you know what kind of ridiculous trend you just gave an anthem to? Thereby making it not only okay, but cult-like and pelvis-thrustingly contagious?!
Ask about it.
Mary's your Homegirl cause you're, y'know, "down-to-earth".
You take pictures making out with your roommate cause you, y'know, "Luv to partyyy! Amigad, XO PARTYING."
It's being different - no, being "controversial and proud" - thats become a goddamn trend, but as we can see, you don't need actual morals to be trendy.
You basically just need to be drunk.
Or, y'know.
Naturally stupid.
I had this chat with someone the other day: Maybe displaying faux-lesbianism, be it on your MySpace “Orientation” or in/around your mouth, is supposed to give the viewer a sense of “I could possibly have a threesome with this girl.” Cue tingling in pants. Follow up with the raunchy comment. Follow up with the STD.
But how offensive and annoying is that to those who actually identify themselves as bi/homosexual, the (pardon my SoCal) legit who endure the social prosecution and don't give themselves a choice of ducking out once you can't take the heat (not the kind in your pants.)? Not to say that everyone takes this KatyPerrysexualism so seriously, but EFF – if being brown became a trend, and all the pasty-whites start flaunting their tan-tasticness-from-a-bottle, I might go on a lemon-juice-&-sponge rampage to expose those suckers who ain't really down with the brown.
It's the claiming what you ain't that irritates me.
But Ian brought up a good point: All this banter on the female image, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, check-out-my-new-training-bra -- maybe its not all about attention depravity.
"The problem is that the person isn't being challenged to grow and discover their potential. They seek confirmation of their perfection, and if they get it, they get complacent with their existence. But one day they will have a difficult time, and they won't be able to rely on anyone but themself, and they'll either rise to the occasion or crumble..." -- Ian
This is true. It's a never-ending cycle of whorebaginess.
Maybe its that attention is too easy - ya show ya boobs, the boys go WOO. You ride on your looks - or what you Photoshop as your "looks" - and you don't consider that there's more to do with yourself than RateAPic (7th grade. Guilty.).
But unless someone kicks the whore in the head, or pushes them to give a crap about their intellect or personality, what else will they know what to do but be a whore? I mean, these are our future legislators and registered voters - isn't anyone else alarmed?!
It could be that I am tired, or that I have my head so far into my pretentious ranting that I can'ts rants no mores. I wanna see where this GOES.
What has caused this sudden switch in lesbian sentiment from "YUCK" to "YUSS"?Verbalize it, like the guy talking to himself behind me in the library right now:!
What's the difference between being experimental & being trend sheep?
& Baggy pants, phone bling, pop singers leading bisexuality -
What the hell kind of ridiculous trend could be NEXT?!
August 12, 2008 at 9:45 AM
haaaay berna. thanks for the shoutout boooo.
1) i'm not gonna lie. pretty much in love with that song. it's too catchy not to like. i heard it on the radio this morning and sang 'til the cows came home. which they didn't. they kind of just... ran away instead. i think my voice scared them...
2) before i even heard of the song, one of my friends had it as her status on fb, "_____ kissed a girl and she liked it" and i was like... ?! ... uhh okay.
3) i totally agree with you on your point about the LGBT community and how they must feel about all the fake lesbians up in here. the real LGBTs know what it's really like, and it's not just experimentation or getting attention. it's a matter of identity. and that's not something you should be faking.
4) and yes. i figured out why even i have succumbed to fake lesbianism. it gets attention. as simple as that. and more than that, it gets MALE attention. of course, i only do it because it pisses off/makes my boyfriend laugh :] but still. it's pretty pathetic that girls feel the need to do this to get kind-of-wanted-but-not-THAT-wanted attention from guys. guys are overrated.
oh. and i actually like grabbing asses. it's habit. it's not fake lesbianism. it's not even real lesbianism. i like all asses. i don't discriminate.
5) i really really really hate the image that comes from going to an all-girls school, and the katyperrianism thing is DEFINITELY part of it. these are the questions/comments i get, usually in order:
"omg you went to an all-girls school?!"
"didn't it hella suck?!" OR "so were you guys all lesbians?" OR "were there any lesbians at your school?!"
my response is usually... "no, it did not suck. it was the greatest four years of my life. and yes, contrary to popular belief, i met boys." OR "no, we were not all lesbians. you're stupid for thinking that. were all the people at your school lesbians?" OR "... i am pretty sure there are LGBTs everywhere, my school was no exception, and neither was yours."
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