There are no words.
So, vanity. Vanity's an accessory these days. Vanity is the new eyeliner. Gone are the days when people would at least Photoshop out their MySpace Arm, for dignity's sake.
But now, there is no dignity. There is only... kissyface+peacesign L0Lz. You know what I'm talking about.
Slowly, my little cousins started growing... Started getting MySpaces... Started teaching themselves glitter-text html tricks... Started looking at their faces in the mirror a little longer...
And then
Self-inflicted child pornography is like saggin' pants - inexplicably TRENDY.
But I digress.
I'm much more perplexed with, and would rather explore, Why does this dumb shit occur?
I see it like this:
So, vanity. Vanity's an accessory these days. Vanity is the new eyeliner. Gone are the days when people would at least Photoshop out their MySpace Arm, for dignity's sake.
But now, there is no dignity. There is only... kissyface+peacesign L0Lz. You know what I'm talking about.
Slowly, my little cousins started growing... Started getting MySpaces... Started teaching themselves glitter-text html tricks... Started looking at their faces in the mirror a little longer...
And then
Self-inflicted child pornography is like saggin' pants - inexplicably TRENDY.
----------------------- Allow me to digress for a second. ------------------------
As the Auntie Det-Det of three curious, absorbs-everything-like-sponges nieces, I'd love to introduce Miley Cyrus to my backhand. Yeah, I said it.
I'm pissed that they idolize someone who preaches tween self-respect and innocently See(ing) You Again (crackin' song, I'll admit), but whores her skin out like she doesn't have 7-year-olds copying her every move. Every time my niece raises the camera to her own face and does her sassy eyes, I hope one of Hannah Banana Fontana's weave tracks fall out.Girl, WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS.
---------------------------------Thank you. ------------------------------------
But I digress.
I'm much more perplexed with, and would rather explore, Why does this dumb shit occur?
- Is it the conditions of our media hungry world that demand self-love, however stilted and slut-like?
- Is it the body-of-a-goddess images we're force fed that gives girls the need to prove themselves? (Example: How "Suck it iiiin." is the new "Cheese!")
- Or is it just the uber-exploited dumb shit like this that just plain ol' makes it okay?
I see it like this:
Girls ain't gettin' no love.
You've got media stereotypes insulting your intelligence;
You've got every advertisement subtly hating on your body;
You've got The Man telling you girls can't do this-this-that;
You've got your dysfunctional family, your parents split, your daddy was never there, your boyfriend cheats on you, you weren't hugged enough as a child,
You've got every advertisement subtly hating on your body;
You've got The Man telling you girls can't do this-this-that;
You've got your dysfunctional family, your parents split, your daddy was never there, your boyfriend cheats on you, you weren't hugged enough as a child,
Shit's harder out there for girls these days.
And so we seek out other ways of self-assurance, easier ways to find people to tell us we're pretty, we're hawt, we'z fine, we're worth it.
We use our body, our skin, our boobs, our legs, sure-fire ways that we know get people's attention. Sleazy boys' and pedophiles' attention, sure, but essentially, we need attention. If not growing up, if not from ourselves, then isn't the internet where you get everything else?
Because sex sells. Sex sells confidence like a drug.
& Because it's easier than fighting those inner demons, y'know?
It's easier to ride on that 5-second confidence high when some hormonal male comments that your photo is "HaWt, dEeYum GrUh" than it is to look at themselves and go,
And so we seek out other ways of self-assurance, easier ways to find people to tell us we're pretty, we're hawt, we'z fine, we're worth it.
We use our body, our skin, our boobs, our legs, sure-fire ways that we know get people's attention. Sleazy boys' and pedophiles' attention, sure, but essentially, we need attention. If not growing up, if not from ourselves, then isn't the internet where you get everything else?
Because sex sells. Sex sells confidence like a drug.
& Because it's easier than fighting those inner demons, y'know?
It's easier to ride on that 5-second confidence high when some hormonal male comments that your photo is "HaWt, dEeYum GrUh" than it is to look at themselves and go,
Why the hell do I need that to feel good?
I'm sure there are a jillion campaigns out there trying to teach girls to love themselves for who they are, and respect themselves at the same time. But honestly, we're fighting against a lot - a daily downpour of discouragement, idealism, hardened childhoods full of mental and physical abuse.
What I'm trying to say is:
Its a slllooooow, uphill battle.
But it's a battle worth fighting, I think.
And GAH. I honestly just want to SHAKE girls. Guys, too.
I just want to grab them by the shoulders and say, THIS IS YOUR LIFE - tall, short, chunky, skinny, single dad, hooker mom, trust issues, big feet, THIS IS YOU.
If you don't take what you've got, accept the good that you already have, and start respecting yourself the way you really want others to treat you, that emptiness will ALWAYS be there. Who are you waiting to save you? It's a selfish world out there - if all you do is shit on yourself, who do you expect to give you a hand?
I might sound like a goddamn hippie, but LOVE YOURSELF.
You're with yourself all the time. Wouldn't you at least like your stay in this body and this mind to be pleasant?
... So I'm going to go over here and breathe.
Meanwhile, what do you think the answer is?
Better role models? Safer families? Or just some ice cream & a hug?
You know where I be: :]
- Berna
I'm sure there are a jillion campaigns out there trying to teach girls to love themselves for who they are, and respect themselves at the same time. But honestly, we're fighting against a lot - a daily downpour of discouragement, idealism, hardened childhoods full of mental and physical abuse.
What I'm trying to say is:
Kids these days are f*$%ed up, beyond their control.
And the ways in which we deal can become just as f*$#ed up.
But it's a battle worth fighting, I think.
And GAH. I honestly just want to SHAKE girls. Guys, too.
I just want to grab them by the shoulders and say, THIS IS YOUR LIFE - tall, short, chunky, skinny, single dad, hooker mom, trust issues, big feet, THIS IS YOU.
If you don't take what you've got, accept the good that you already have, and start respecting yourself the way you really want others to treat you, that emptiness will ALWAYS be there. Who are you waiting to save you? It's a selfish world out there - if all you do is shit on yourself, who do you expect to give you a hand?
I might sound like a goddamn hippie, but LOVE YOURSELF.
You're with yourself all the time. Wouldn't you at least like your stay in this body and this mind to be pleasant?
... So I'm going to go over here and breathe.
Meanwhile, what do you think the answer is?
Better role models? Safer families? Or just some ice cream & a hug?
You know where I be: :]
- Berna
6 Responses to "Nokia Lolita" (Leave A Comment)
July 22, 2008 at 9:37 AM
this is my favorite blog by far! looove it.
you preach that ishhh, girl.
i would say more, but i think ya said it all :]
other thoughts -- drunk girls exploiting lesbianism? and taking pictures making out/kissing etc. to get wanted/unwanted male attention from usually drunk as hell and totally unattractive frat boys?
mmmm just a thought...
July 22, 2008 at 9:39 AM
oh and to solve this crap -- magazines/media needa quit with the skinnyass i either starve myself everyday or i work out like a mofo models 'cause no offense, i don't know anyone who looks like that naturally...
more to come but it's all jumbled up in my head :]
July 22, 2008 at 2:41 PM
this is a great blog. i think no matter what size u are, ur gonna be criticized. people may think that the skinny girls dont get any bad feedback on their look, but we do. I have very fast metabolism(both my parents were thin when they were my age, the only way i could prob. gain weight is just for me to get older) but i eat like a cow, but my thin figure is natural, but of course people tell me "eat more eat more!" or i get asked if i am anorexic while i am the complete opposite of that. but if i were to be overweight, then i would hear people(most likely behind my back) say " gawsh she's so big, she needa do somethin to haself!". so its not only full-figured girls or overweight girls that get made fun of, its everyone i believe.. its like the world is one big contradiction. the main focus should jus be happy in your own skin no matter what your size is, as long as you are healthy.
July 22, 2008 at 4:07 PM
you know, i was thinking about this topic just yesterday when i saw my friend's facebook status, trying to get attention with her faux lesbianism - "...gets to make out with my girlfriend tonight!"
i can't lie though, i'm guilty of being an online attention whore back in my early high school days, but i don't think wanting attention is the problem. even people who say they don't like attention would admit that it feels pretty good.
the problem is that the person isn't being challenged to grow and discover their potential. they seek confirmation of their perfection, and if they get it, they get complacent with their existence. but one day they will have a difficult time, and they won't be able to rely on anyone but themself, and they'll either rise to the occasion or crumble, which probably contributes to the presently high rate of suicides in America.
(i only meant to leave the first paragraph as a comment, but you then you got me thinking!)
July 24, 2008 at 7:35 PM
WHOA-HO-HO! It's kind of scary how much I agree with you. I'm in the same situation, too. I have a niece who's only twelve years old and she's already taking those "angle" pictures and posting 'em up on her MahSpace, yeknow? Those pictures where, like, the camera's at a bottom angle or top angle or whatever angle it's at just to make her look good.
And you're right, what good are those pictures if it doesn't even show the real you?? If someone really wanted to show other people their "real" selves, they might as well just show everyone a picture of what they look like getting up out of bed early in the morning. Okay, I'm done talking. WHEW.
July 25, 2008 at 5:34 PM
There haven't been a real good role models for these kids for a while. I just saw a vid of Miley Cirus insulting that other tweeny bopper from the disney channel. Can you imagine how little girls everywhere are going to think its cool to tease each other like that. And what ever happened to looking up to the kid that one the national spelling bee? Or little kids PLAYING GAMES and running around like crazy and not caring at all about the way they look??? Now its the thing to wear short skirts and "I WANT MY HAIR LIKE THAT". There's no respect in the schools. Kids are cursing--can't spell half the things they say. And PARENTS are not drilling the fact that these teeny boppers with their millions and their unhappy lives are NOT PEOPLE WHO DESERVE YOUR ADORATION. We need better family structures-seriously. If the young girl was out taking swimming lessons or volunteering with her fam at a soup kitchen, she would find just a little bit more appreciation for who she is and maybe somewhere in her little mind she'd grow abition and know that she's so special--MORE THAN ANY MILEY and that one day she can make a real difference.
-- Samy Carty
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