Like masturbation, but for your feelings

I'm aware I've been silent for, oh, longer than you probably care.
But if anyone's listening out there, ANYONE - I'd love for them to consider this:

NOBODY forces you hate yourself.

NOBODY gives you low self-esteem.

NOBODY makes you to feel intimidated, ugly, self-conscious, not good enough.

I've heard way too many stories about people being sick of how a situation (particularly, how a boy) makes them feel bad about themselves.
To be out of control of how you see yourself is to be out of control of yourself.
To be victim to those feelings is just self-pity.
And to be using self-pity is to be three-fucking-years-old.

FACE IT: We're big girls now, in a world that allows us to be big girls.
You can't play the helpless-feeling-female card anymore.
And girl or not, only you are responsible for how you feel.
Wherever you are in your self-respect, you got there your damn self,
and it's nobody else's job to fix it.


I'd just like to know why we treat the person we spend the most time with
so shittily, so much.
And then we're so kind to strangers on the street!
They don't have to put up with your crap.
They don't do your Accounting final.
Their immune system doesn't keep you away from the USC plague.